Annie Peacock
Practice Information Coordinator
Annie Peacock has over 20 years of healthcare experience to include Caregiver, Skilled Nursing Receptionist, Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Records Director, and now Assistant Practice Manager. She earned her Associates Degree in Health Information Management and maintains her credentials through the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). She attributes her accomplishments to being a dedicated team player, her attention to detail, problem-solving skills, and reliability.
From a young age, Annie knew how lucky she was to have known and to have had a close relationship with her grandparents. Her appreciation for that relationship led her to want to be part of caring for people, especially the elderly. Working in this field has provided her with a great sense of pride and commitment to providing excellent care to those in need, as well as the administrative staff.
Annie was born and raised in Syracuse, NY and has lived in Colorado since 1994. She is married with two adult sons and a cat named “Mew”. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time in nature, gardening, reading, and cooking with her family. A fun fact about Annie is that within her family, she has been the youngest child, the only child, the oldest child, and the middle child.